Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Revalina S Temat More Like Playing Movies

Revalina S Temat seems more to enjoy his role on the big screen. This is evident from the start the many titles feature films which he starred. And speaking of the tendency to play on the big screen, Reva explains that there are elements of chance in it anyway.

"If you say most filming, well because it does offer a lot in movies anymore. Yesterday sempet filming the soap opera, but not sempet ditayangin on tv. Again this movie is also the story better," Reva said when met at the Film MESTAKUNG, Waroeng Solo, Orange Purut , South Jakarta.

However, although prefers acting in movies, but that does not mean Reva did not settle on the soap opera.

"Me, I chose the film not because it is better than soap operas. Make me equally acting, story and character are important. Enjoyed if I play the movie I went to places that I have never attended. Filming on the movie, this gives me more new experience, "She explained.

Like some artists who prefer acting on the big screen soap opera than for reasons of image, then how about Reva?

"I think I just wrote, we want to play in the soap operas, movies, ftv, actually just wrote. What we lakuin, we are acting, we got the script, we read. If asked I'm so confused," She concluded.

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