Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Casual style Revalina S. Temat

Relaxed into the characteristics Revalina S. Temat style. In berbusana Revalina far from the glamor. Image minimalist and simple is better suited to it. Unlike the majority of celebrities seusianya which always appear in the case of a maximum of style in every opportunity, the stage name melejit through sinetron 'Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih' that never appear on busananya prominent. Often it is seen to appear casual and simple. Jeans and T-shirt, a mainstay alumni SMU 6 Mahakam is. To complete the appearance, often call Reva akrabnya add accessories such as necklaces, Vest or large belt.

For more official events, from shifon shirt with the Victorian model was chosen stars' Pocong 2 'is. For gala event, not the luxury of dress designers design a well-chosen Reva. Women 26 years that even selecting typical Bohemian style clothing. Red tank top, skirt lipit-line and a scarf and necklace-kalungan ethnic caparison mungilnya body at that time.

Ssssst ... despite appearing relaxed and simple, but Reva was menaklukan heart of the dashing Panji Trihatmodjo loh. Now, the actors Ringgo Agus Rahman has fallen to pelukannya.

Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Beauty Revalina

Later career former girlfriend Obando Trihatmodjo, the Revalina S. Friends faded. Hear the birds outstanding, because the Reva tariff fix 100 million per episode. 1 year had disappeared from the TV screen. In fact, many rumored that throws a beautiful artist. In addition to rumored girlfriend, one problem is that honorarium Set over high and expensive.

Reva is considered too high honornya fix, making the production of a number of houses were reluctant to use. He said he was due to ask Reva honorarium 100 million rupiah per episode patron. That's not all true, further Reva. That there are even artist honorarium from home production be continued. Boro-boro can be great, if I would even as other artists.
So to compete with it so long tossing price?

"I was ...... I also tend to be more quality content and story time syuting.'s Honorarium Questions flexible, depending on our course. If the match scenario honorarium would also be appropriate," he said with a smile.Only disappeared during the Reva rocks?
"I want to disappear because of the concentration of course first. Now, thanks stage again. Hence the time it must be clever-clever.

Ration of 5 days for the patron, 2 days to complete the course and the essay. So far this is still smooth. Rather I can bother skripsiku. Likewise essay I can bother sinetronku schedule, "he explained.Then your relationship with Ringgo, is also scheduled to follow? "There is ...... all just flows like water ..... later will also know where to go," and the end

Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Revalina at Wikipedia

Revalina founded at wikipedia Ensiklopedia Indonesian version. We can know about Revalina biography and her activity like actris cinema.

You Can Browse It here

Minggu, 10 Februari 2008

Revalina Fans

In The Silent the young artist Revalina S. Temat evidently ngefans heavy to Tora Sudiro. For quite a long time Reva admired the handsome man nan the humorist. He had one obsession that must be realised by him with Tora. What tuh? "I wanted really was in films with Tora Sudiro," said the normal artist was greeted by Reva, was met detikhot in Jakarta just recently. In the eyes of the main star the 'Bawang Putih Shallot' film, Tora was the actor's perfect noose.

Apart from skilled joked (in Extravaganza), Tora could also act serious like in 'Banyu Biru' and the 'Social Gathering'. Then whether his plan to bring about his obsession? The Reva face at once changed confused when this question was thrown. He said all that just his thoughts then. Acted in the wide screen indeed was the dream. Unfortunately during several months in front of this matter was not possible to be done considering schedule congestion syuting the film.

Jumat, 08 Februari 2008

Revalina Nice Charming

Kapanlagi.com - appeared pretty was the dream of each woman, moreover as public figure. This that was experienced by the player and the Garlic of the Shallot film, Revalina S. Temat. Reportedly, this Reva behaviour to tempt men who did not keep faith.

"Not Really, I appeared pretty for himself I myself." Because I a person public figure, said Reva when being met just recently. The matter, later if the person was thoughtful of sorts about your section's clothes gimana please?.
"Oh I not knew, that would thoughts" of the "person then that ngeres," he said while added if beauty was the number of one.

Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

Cantiknya Revalina

For the film player, waited for the turn of the taking of the picture to be very boring.Even so with Revalina S. Temat. However, the London student of School of Public Relations Jakarta the semester of five this knew the method overcame boredom.

He always brought game boy in the location syuting. " I that in fact liked played game," said the close girl was called by Reva this. According to Reva, if in the house, he playing playstation (PS). The Bawang Putih actor in this Bawang Putih Shallot film said, in fact wanted to play PS at the location syuting.

Reva Oh Reva

Revalena Temat (18) felt lucky played the leading figure of the Garlic in the Bawang Putih Shallot film. "Most of his characters were the same as me, kind, the" girl's" close words were called by Reva this. Reva, that the alumnus SMUN 6 of Bulungan Jakarta this, wanted to be the businessman. But now he wants to continue the lecture in London School, took the communication route.

Sexy Beauty Revalina S Temat

The child to 3 from 4 related this began his career as the champion the favourite the Cover of the race of the GIRL's election in 1999, afterwards widened to the model and the film as well as the wide screen film.

Several films that had been starred in by him including the Sprinkling (2001), Sangkuriang (2003), Cintaku in the Biru Campus 2 (2003-2004), the Bawang Putih Shallot, Hikmah 2, and the Surga Flower. During 2006, Reva, was like this his nickname, tried the wide screen by starring in the Pocong film 2. In the Pocong film 2 this, Reva played a role as Maya, the everyday woman met pocong, in fact had the girlfriend pocong.

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008

Cantik Revalina

Gadis cantik nan elok Revalina S Temat