Sabtu, 08 November 2008

Beauty Revalina

Later career former girlfriend Obando Trihatmodjo, the Revalina S. Friends faded. Hear the birds outstanding, because the Reva tariff fix 100 million per episode. 1 year had disappeared from the TV screen. In fact, many rumored that throws a beautiful artist. In addition to rumored girlfriend, one problem is that honorarium Set over high and expensive.

Reva is considered too high honornya fix, making the production of a number of houses were reluctant to use. He said he was due to ask Reva honorarium 100 million rupiah per episode patron. That's not all true, further Reva. That there are even artist honorarium from home production be continued. Boro-boro can be great, if I would even as other artists.
So to compete with it so long tossing price?

"I was ...... I also tend to be more quality content and story time syuting.'s Honorarium Questions flexible, depending on our course. If the match scenario honorarium would also be appropriate," he said with a smile.Only disappeared during the Reva rocks?
"I want to disappear because of the concentration of course first. Now, thanks stage again. Hence the time it must be clever-clever.

Ration of 5 days for the patron, 2 days to complete the course and the essay. So far this is still smooth. Rather I can bother skripsiku. Likewise essay I can bother sinetronku schedule, "he explained.Then your relationship with Ringgo, is also scheduled to follow? "There is ...... all just flows like water ..... later will also know where to go," and the end

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