Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Revalina S Temat Find Talent Unexpressed in Madura

Revalina S Temat find hidden talents in Madura Island? Yes, that's what will be done by a former lover is Ringgo Agus Rahman. Serving as Dance, a teacher in the film MESTAKUNG, who dedicated his life to education, Reva willingly moved from Jakarta to Madura.

In the eyes of Reva, truly enchanting island of Madura. Many she has received during his stay in the 'Salt Island' is. "Many, one of which karapan cow, it's still culturally very well. Kasian just that I wrote, sometimes cows given a balm, let the straight path. I do not have the heart, much less let her ass have beaten path cepet," Reva said when met at the Film MESTAKUNG, Waroeng Solo, Orange Purut, South Jakarta.

To shoot the film, Reva will spend at least a week and mingle with the Madurese.
"Well, coincidentally the director wanted a Muslim figure. Because the majority of Madurese wear hijab, we adjust it," She said. Then if he does not find it difficult to communicate using the language of Madura? "If I was not Jakarta, which has really come into Madura. So I actually never knew the language of Madura, now slowly wrote," She concluded.

1 komentar:

Kochou No Megami Kirei mengatakan...

W kan slalu mnjadi fans stia reva slamanya,,,